In the dynamic landscape of architecture and construction, the need for efficient and reliable building facade access solutions is paramount. One such solution making waves in the Philippines is the Davit System. This blog explores the intricacies of the Davit System Solution, its components, applications, and its growing significance in the Filipino construction industry.

What is the Davit System?

The Davit System stands as a time-tested and efficient approach to both permanent and temporary building facade access. Comprising an aluminum alloy mast and jib, the system’s key component is the rotating davit boom with a specialized rolling collar. This allows for precise maneuvering of substantial work platforms over parapets. The platform itself is suspended from a captive trolley, facilitating seamless movement along the davit jib.

Applications and Capabilities

Permanent and Temporary Access

The Davit System offers a versatile solution, catering to both permanent and temporary access requirements. Whether it’s for routine maintenance or construction activities, the system adapts to various scenarios with ease.

Support for Work Platforms, Cradles, and Bosun’s Chairs

Beyond its primary function, the Davit System can support single-user cradles and bosun’s chairs. Noteworthy is the RopeClimber bosun’s chair, providing individualized access options hung from distinct davits.

Temporary Davit System

For projects requiring flexibility, a temporary Davit System comes into play. Designed for easy disassembly and relocation, it can be seamlessly moved to different areas of a building with pre-installed sockets, offering adaptability in building access solutions.

Dimensions and Successful Installations

With successful installations boasting dimensions of up to 5 meters in height and 4 meters in outreach, the Davit System proves its scalability and applicability in various settings.

Traversing Davit: Overcoming Challenges

To address labor-intensive operations associated with moving portable davits, the traversing davit concept comes into play. 828 Cable System Inc. This system moves systematically over a rail structure fixed to the inner side of the parapet, overcoming challenges in mobility.

Safety and Compliance

Ensuring safety is paramount in the design and implementation of Davit Systems. Calculated using the latest generation software and tested according to European (EN1808) and North American standards, these systems adhere to stringent safety measures, promoting secure building facade access.

Davit System in the Philippines

As the construction landscape in the Philippines evolves, the Davit System finds increased relevance, especially in buildings with high parapets and limited roof space. Its efficiency and adaptability make it a preferred choice over traditional access methods.

Future Trends and Innovations

With technology driving advancements in construction, the Davit System is no exception. Emerging technologies promise even more efficient and sophisticated building facade access solutions, ensuring a continuous evolution in the industry.


The Davit System Solution in the Philippines is not just a practical solution; it’s a transformative one. Redefining building facade access with its versatility, safety features, and adaptability, the Davit System stands as a beacon of innovation in the construction industry.